Saturday, August 7, 2010

#5 -#7 Where have all the post it notes gone?

I can now travel with out becoming geographically embarrassed, make sure I have a number of good books to see me through the journey, and on my return I can create an apropriate presentation to entice other people to follow in my footsteps. Or I could become a better organised person. Funnily enough I still put post it notes on my laptop.
Seriously, I have formulated the idea of starting a web site for my dance classes. Ontop of this use google docs for the Feedback questionnaire at the end of the year, all to be completed on line.
I have often used google maps, I actually don't use a GPS I find the google map to be sufficient.
Google images has saved me this weekend as my son has a diorama to build on Fern Gully The last rainforest. It has given us some amazing backdrops.
I have accessed Youtube for a cyber bullying unit we have in place this term, The FaceBook song is worth a look, will try to put it up as a link.
Funnily enough a good friend has suggested a few meditation books I was able to browse abit and then decide it if was what I was after. I have now located and ordered one of them.
I have bought my son a camera for his birthday and had a quick look at picassa . Unless there are any other suggestions out there.

I have become addicted to You tube, there is so much material to use. I teach HSC Religion. It has made it more approachable to be able to show the students visually the different beliefs out there.
However I must tear my self away, apparently my daughter has taught herself to ride a bike while I have been "working" . I didn't think I had been locked away that long.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha well maybe you could film her and post the video on youtube! Great to see you getting into this.:)
